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Small Group Studies

people holding bibles
people praying

Adult Bible Study                     6:30 - 8:00 PM

The adult group meets weekly and explores relevant topics through study and discussion. The group explores Biblical truth to real-life issues of our time.


Check in later for more information

Women's Group                       4:30 - 6:00 PM

The women's ministry meets weekly to explore and discuss topics of spiritual interest. The group dialogues about such topics pertaining to the needs of the group.


Women's Group meets every Thursday at the church

Foreign Missonaries

Daniel and Christy Kihm represent us in the Netherlands where they are involved with church plants and reaching our to younger couples needing the hope of Jesus Christ.

Bobby and Jenny Mihsill serve in the Church of God in Côte d’Ivoire, Africa. They organize mission teams and work with organizing Children of Promise sponsors.

Joseph Kiwanuka Amooti, of Mission Trips Uganda, is currently in a church plant in the village of Buwooya. There is no church in that village and the people are starving for God there. 

Ocho Rios Street Church serves homeless people in Jamaica. Pastor Mike's mother helps to coordinate this mission effort with weekly Bible study, Connection times, and Sunday morning worship at the Ocho Rios bus stop.